'Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.'
'Only stupid people could not realise that actually they are stupid while they are always thinking others people are stupid but they are not.'
'Through stupid people's eyes and in stupid people's mind, everyone except them in the world is stupid.'
Silly, stupid, idiot, dumb, headless, retard...... all these words, maybe far more than these I can come up with, are used to provoke someone whom you may think helplessly lack logical thinking or good reaction toward everything quite often and frequently.
I recently noticed that some of the British people tend to say such words at the beginning, during the whole conversation or at the end of a sentence. And few of my friends from Asian countries, including me, are quite unfamiliar with this. Particularly while having a talk or discussion with them, if you say something to show your ideas, you may hear 'This is silly...''That is stupid...''This is f***ing good...''That is wholly shit...' and so on. Then you may feel only confused, or even you would feel depressed because you immediately think, oh, does he or she is pointing out what I say is really a shit? Am I stupid as he or she is saying?
Is this some kind of 'culture shock'? Maybe this is quite common here... just like you say good morning when you walk into a classroom seeing your teacher and classmates or like you would say bye bye while leaving... I try to think in this way. Although so far no one says I am silly or f***ing stupid or something... but what if one day in the future it'll happen to me?! Ha ha, I am not sure how will I feel... no wonder to predict how will I react?
Probably saying nothing! Keeping silence is the best way to deal with any insulted feeling while being treated so. Silence is gold, this is a Chinese saying and I really believe what behind this short sentence can prove and explain everything about why I think keeping silence is the most proper way in such situation.
Because crying out aloud or fight with people who always like to judge others are stupid or not for just showing you're not what some say so to you are useless, such people who view you as stupid may be too stupid as well to notice and take importance on your dissatisfaction and shout. So just remember the words with wisdom concerning 'stupid' at the beginning... sometimes, NO NEED TO ARGUE... UNLESS you admit YOU'RE STUPID!!
Promise me that you'll never ever think so.....