    天哪,我是老了? 或是孤陋寡聞呢? 兩者聽來都很糟,所以我不想任選其一、承認自己的漸長年歲或是跟不上時代。
    今天幸好,跟我失散十多年(嗯。真有這麼久嗎? 不過認真地算起來,好像真的是吧!?) 、不久前才又相認的國中好友,告訴我日本人發明的超級可愛網路寵物,可養在個人部落格裡頭的小水滴(MERO),哇! 一看它的超可愛網站,我就馬上答應要養一隻囉!! 對可愛的事物一向全無抵抗力(我想是我媽媽根本沒生這種抗體給我吧!?)的我,怎可能拒絕小水滴呢?

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    終於,我盼了整整五個禮拜,我的心愛筆電,跟我回到我GILL STREET溫暖的小窩、自己的房間。

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  非因故意想’落’英語!我向来非特別愛現的人。実在因為、我的筆記型電脳壊壊去!現在依然在修理中、我的生活変成STONE AGE(史前時代)一般!在心愛的電脳未帰来前、我只能置身学校的図書館或24小時開放的電脳教室中用電脳。転眼間、克難又辛苦的生活、也足足過了整整一個月多!

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     Farewell, a word that means leaving something or someone for good, to which you will never look back or meet again in the coming days in your lifetime.
    How sad when saying this word, particularly to that you actually you don't want to be apart from, to be specific, to the time, things, or people you firmly love and never think about leaving them.
    Interestingly and very strange I have to admit, I am proud of my retentivity; however, I just couldn't remember how I feel and what I was doing for my birthday of 20 years old, not because that is long time ago... but is because of my life at that time was nothing special at all, to tell the truth a bit unhappy then: I was not pretty, every day I couldn't help worrying about my terrible figure (God... I was 65kg! Small but fat in stature...) , just starting my university life with insecurity which was basically from being uncertain about my future. Also, I didn't trust and was afraid of meeting and getting familiar with new friends; I kept questioning if a true and firm 'friendship' really exists or is necessary for my poor memory and experience in my senior high school time...

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     Girls! I miss you all..... all the girls whom I know when I was in junior high.
    Few days ago, I hear form one of you telling me that you all girls had a class reunion recently.
    Last time when we met with each other, exactly howmany years ago? Mmm... already three or four years ago!! 

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    You may sometimes, but don't have to always show or tell others your personalities, your plans, your dreams, your strengths... if they are significantly existing, if those are others are interested in, people can easily tell because those things about you would definitely shine and clearly show if people would like to take a look.
    You don't have to always show your kindness by continuously giving everything to people, being smart than keeping being over generous, not everyone would feel happy and comfortable to be patronised without knowing being a reason for receiving this. 
    Sometimes, the world seems to be in a mess, not everthing or evryone but quite nearly, like getting crazy, out of control or loosing minds. I am wondering why, while repeatedly reading/hearing terrifying news from newspaper/TV or radio, while knowing some unbelievable gossips about whom I am familiar with from those I know them as well... Should I accept, believe, or should I question, ignore or just pretend that I cannot feel anything even I've be adviced so many...

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    People like to complain.
    Complain about anything which goes wrong, anyone who drives you mad, and so on.
    Complaining seems to be a never-ending journey for certain people not for all of us, the reason why I say and think so is simply because not everyone in the world would tend to or always use such way to show his/her anger or disappointment. Some would rather choose to be silent, showing a calm face reaction or even trying to wear a smile instead of saying anything harsh to pull themselves, people around them and the whole world down.

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    An accident may be a interesting trigger for something that completely beyond your imagination.
    Like me, I am sitting in the library, fully 'enjoy' the resourses provided by my school--the computer, the laser printer, the lights, the desk and chair, the books which I need them thristly for completing my first individual long essay in this full-time masters course... and.........
    I have NO CHOICE but have to type in English ONLY!!

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    This Wednesday, both my laptop and my removable disk in which I backed up every important file--including all the pictures I took in the UK and some taken in Taiwan, and my Chinese and English writings, the findings and summaries about my study, were BROKEN and then MISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     I know that God is unfair, although everyone in the world thinks God should be, or even must be like this; however, unfortunately not, things are not always going as how we wish to be, sometimes they are just moving in the totally opposite directions that beyond your imagination.
    Life is unpredictable! Even you have many strategies, full enthusiasm and confidence, good preparation... the change is always your top enemy, is someting that you will never know how to predict and furthur defeat.

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    法國哲學家傅柯(FOUCAULT),寫了一本《THE ORDER OF THINGS》,我不知道這書的中譯名是被翻作甚麼,如果我直翻,那就是「事物的秩序」。
    讀著傅柯大師這本大作,中間一段關於唐吉柯德(DON QUIXOTE)與表現(REPRESENTING)的關係的講述,讓人不禁要重新思索「秩序」這回事。

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